Episode trailers

Not your average CPD instructors.

We've interviewed hundreds of executives, best-selling authors and luminaries to bring you unique insights from their careers at the top. It's called edutainment, and it will change how you think about CPD. See for yourself by listening to a trailer below.

You’re in good company.

Trusted by industry leaders and the top North American accounting firms, we’re vetted for providing CPD that people love.

First capital logoLindt logoThe beer store logoThe co-operators logoSobeys logoGGFL logoVena logoIBI logoBGIS logoKingsett Capital logoPurolatorAstraZeneca logoMattamy Homes logoZeifmans logoDream logo
First capital logoLindt logoThe beer store logoThe co-operators logoSobeys logoGGFL logoVena logoIBI logoBGIS logoKingsett Capital logoPurolatorAstraZeneca logoMattamy Homes logoZeifmans logoDream logo


You’re in good company.

Trusted by industry leaders and the top North American accounting firms, we’re vetted for providing CPD that people love.

First Capital logoLindt logoThe Beer Store logoThe Co-Operators Insurance Group logoSobeys logoGGFL logoVena logoIBI Group logoBGIS logoKingSett Capital logoPurolator logoAstraZeneca logoMattamy Homes logoZeifman's logoDream logo
First Capital logoLindt logoThe Beer Store logoThe Co-Operators Insurance Group logoSobeys logoGGFL logoVena logoIBI Group logoBGIS logoKingSett Capital logoPurolator logoAstraZeneca logoMattamy Homes logoZeifman's logoDream logo

Episode types

CPD you can get excited about.

You and your team’s learning and growth include more than technical content. We’ve introduced new formats and categories of CPD, with fresh episodes every week, so learning never feels dull.


Narrative style. Think true-crime story telling and business case studies. These episodes are scripted, informative and easy to binge-listen.


Fireside chat. Imagine having the CEO of Nike in your living room. These experts share their insights in a casual, interview-style conversation with one of our many hosts.


Instructor-led. Like being in a live classroom… but on-the-go or from a location of your choosing. These episodes mimic a class lecture.


Videos. Because a VLOOKUP tutorial might be a bit tricky over audio alone. These videos cover everything from Excel to PowerPoint to financial modelling and more.

LumiQ mobile app displaying the detail page for The 4.5 Billion Dollar Bitcoin Heist episode


You're going to love LumiQ as much as our customers do.

The proof is in the pudding. Listen to Alex, Adam and Erin on how LumiQ changed CPD hours.

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